Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quilt Top

Finished quilt top (pictured sideways), now just batting, backing, and quilting!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Some More Pieces on the Go...

Some progress in the quilt along...

This star is 1 of 4 for a baby quilt.

This is my first attempt at some applique (I think) Christmas wall hanging.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Another Preemie in Progress

This will finish at 24' x 24'.

Will have a name by the time I'm done I'm sure!

Red Sky

I think I'm going to start naming my quilts!

Red Sky - finished.

I quilted around and around the inside piece of each star with 1/4 inch sewing space.

Inbetween the red of the star I did my first attempt at free motion quilting.  It's hard to see in the picture.

And on the polka dot section I did my first attempting at free motion quilting - pebbling.

The backing fabric is similar to the fabric used on the top - but different.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mini Star Piece Finished!

I wanted to do some tester quilting in a star pattern.  I really liked this start idea, and had made a large quilt with the same stars different fabric.  This was a test small piece.

It's finished at about 24' x 24'.  I like the quilting in the star.

Tried a few different techniques and stitches.  Machine sewed the binding, which I will not do again unless I figure out another way to do it so it looks better.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

3 Pieces on the Go

This fabric is cut and ready to start sewing with a Quilt Along design by christaquiltsblog.com.

This is a 4 by 4 block Preemie quilt that'll be 24" by 24".  It is a pinwheel design and just the quilt top is finished currently.

This is a large twin size (throw) quilt that is ready for the quilting part.  It has the top, batting, and backing, and a bit of quilting done on it.

First Quilt Finished

I bought a 5 x 5 charm pack of designs and sewed them together to make a 10 x 10 block.  Outlined it all in black, then added a white polka dot on pink fabric for backing.  I was also one 10 x 10 block short, so added an M t-shirt that she had grown out of.